Turkey is an important country for the cryptocurrency community. Moreover, it still remains the first country in the world where the cryptocurrencies are commonly owned according to the Statista Global Consumer Survey 2019.
As stated by the latest ING REPORT, 62% of Turkish people have positive attitudes about the future of cryptocurrencies.
Even in 2018’s bear market (3,000 dollars), nearly 40 cryptocurrency exchange platforms started their work. The local crypto exchanges platforms almost only competed during the bear market. As Coindesk mentioned before “Turkey: The Country Where Crypto Exchanges Are Beating the Bear Market”.
Participating in the event backgrounding you to meet your target audience will be an opportunity to promote and strengthen your brand. This, the most colossal blockchain and cryptocurrency conference ever organized in the region thus far, will be the major Meeting that brings together investors, entrepreneurs, engineers from many parts of the world.
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