Bölgenin en büyük Blockchain ve kripto para konferansı için İstanbul seçildi

Kaynak: www.kriptohaber.com

"Uluslararası Blockchain Economy Istanbul Summit‘te Türkiye, Avrupa, aynı zamanda Orta Doğu ve Orta Asya ülkelerinden Blockchain ve kripto paralarla ilgili yatırımcılar, mühendisler ve profesyoneller yer alacak. Wall Street Analisti Tom Lee, Forbes tarafından tescillenmiş Kripto para alanındaki en büyük 5 isimden biri olan Cal Evans, Liberland Cumhuriyeti Cumhurbaşkanı Vit Jedlicka ve TRON İş Geliştirme Ekip Lideri Roy Liu konferansın başlıca konuşmacıları arasında alıyor."

Blockchain Economy: Istanbul

Kaynak: www.toptokensales.com

"The conference will be attended by investors and engineers, mainly from Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia, as well as from Turkey, interested in blockchain technologies and working with cryptocurrencies. Also, more than 5,000 participants from 20 countries will attend the event live and more than 10,000 people will watch the event live."


Kaynak: www.asiancoinmarket.com

"As known, Netherlands-based banking giant ING published a customer report recently where it was declared that Turkey is the leading cryptocurrencies owner among all European countries. The fact that the people in Turkey are heading to more technological innovations and current economic circumstances serve as an increasing factor for it. Investors and engineers, mostly from the Middle East and Central Asian countries as well as from Turkey, who are interested in blockchain and who deal with cryptocurrencies will be participating in this conference. Attendees will better understand Blockchain, the greatest technological and financial revolution of the 21st century, with the expression of expert speakers in the sphere. Thus, “Blockchain Economy Istanbul Summit” rolls out the distinction of being the largest-scale event of the region, ever held in this field."

Blockchain Economy Istanbul Summit 2019 – lielākā reģionā

Kaynak: www.kripto.media

"Kā zināms, nesen Nīderlandē dibinātais banku gigants ING publicēja klientu ziņojumu, kurā norādīja, ka Turcija ieņem līdera pozīciju kriptovalūtas nozarē starp visām Eiropas valstīm. Tas atbilst patiesībai, jo Turcija arvien vairāk pievērš uzmanību tehnoloģiskajām inovācijām un pastāvošajiem ekonomiskajiem apstākļiem. Šajā konferencē piedalīsies investori un inženieri, galvenokārt no Tuvo Austrumu un Vidusāzijas valstīm, kā arī no Turcijas, kuri interesējas par blokķēdes tehnoloģiju un kriptovalūtu. Pasākuma apmeklētāji labāk izpratīs blokķēdes tehnoloģijas būtību, kas ir 21. gadsimta lielākais tehnoloģiskais un finanšu sasniegums. Tādējādi “Stambulas blokķēdes ekonomikas samits” būs vislielākais reģiona pasākums šajā jomā."