Turkey to Host ‘Blockchain Economy Istanbul Summit’ for Crypto Enthusiasts

Kaynak: www.cryptonewsz.com

"Turkey is going to host ‘Blockchain Economy Istanbul Summit,’ at Halic Congress Center, Istanbul on February 20, 2019. It is expected to be the largest International Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Conference of the region, as Turkey is the leading cryptocurrencies owner among all European countries, according to Netherlands-based banking giant ING’s customer report."

The Largest International Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Conference Of The Region

Kaynak: www.blockspoint.com

"As known, Netherlands-based banking giant ING has recently published a customer report where it was declared that Turkey is the leading cryptocurrencies owner among all European countries. The fact is that people in Turkey are heading to more technological innovations and current economic circumstances serve as an increasing factor for it. Investors and engineers, mostly from the Middle East and Central Asian countries as well as from Turkey, who are interested in blockchain and who deal with cryptocurrencies will be participating in this conference. Attendees will better understand Blockchain, the greatest technological and financial revolution of the 21st century, with the presentations of expert speakers in the sphere. Thus, "Blockchain Economy Istanbul Summit" rolls out the distinction of being the largest-scale event of the region, ever held in this field."

Blockchain Economy Istanbul Summit Başlıyor

Kaynak: www.fintechtime.com

"Blockchain Economy Istanbul Summit”e Türkiye, Avrupa, aynı zamanda Orta Doğu ve Orta Asya ülkelerinden Blockchain ve kripto paralarla ilgili yatırımcılar, mühendisler ve profesyoneller yer alacak. Wall Street Analisti Tom Lee, Forbes tarafından tescillenmiş Kripto para alanındaki en büyük 5 isimden biri olan Cal Evans, Liberland Cumhuriyeti Cumhurbaşkanı Vit Jedlicka ve TRON İş Geliştirme Ekip Lideri Roy Liu konferansın başlıca konuşmacıları arasında alıyor."

Febrero es el mes escogido para la Blockchain Economy en Estambul

Kaynak: www.hola-blockchain.com

"Los inversores e ingenieros, en su mayoría de los países de Oriente Medio y Asia Central, así como de Turquía, que están interesados ​​en blockchain y que se ocupan de las criptomonedas participarán en esta conferencia. Los asistentes podrán tener la oportunidad de comprender mejor qué significa blockchain, la mayor revolución tecnológica y financiera del siglo XXI, con las ponencias de oradores expertos en la criptoesfera."